

This document describes the Interbank transactions API. This API offers a REST service for:

We also can configure a webhook to notify the API clients when a transaction status has changed. See the Webhook section for details.


We have two independent environments for development and production applications.

Quick Start Guide

Once you have an active access_token you can start to use our API to make interbank transactions.

Here is the detail of each service offered by the API:

  1. Authentication

  2. Get available banks

  3. Create transaction

  4. Get transaction information

  5. Get transactions history

  6. Webhook


An example of a valid request sending the authorization token:

curl -X GET '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Token <<access_token>>'

Requests are authenticated using token-based HTTP Authentication scheme. The token is granted by the operations team of Tpaga. Check an example of a valid request sending the authorization token on the right column.

Get available banks

Endpoint: /banks

HTTP Method: GET

Description: This service allows to consult the list of available banks that can be used to create transactions.

Example request:

curl -X GET '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Token <<access_token>>'

Example response:

  "banks": [
        "name": "BBVA",
        "slug": "bbva"
        "name": "BANCO CAJA SOCIAL",
        "slug": "banco-caja-social"

Request parameters

This endpoint does not need extra parameters to be sent in the request.

Response parameters

Field Description Type Nullable
banks List of available banks List no
banks -> name Human-readable name for the bank String no
banks -> slug Slug ID of bank String no

HTTP responses

Code Description
200 The list of available banks was queried successfully
401 Invalid authorization token provided
403 You do not have enough permissions to perform this action, please contact the support team
5XX Internal sever error, it's safe to retry the request

Create transaction

Endpoint: /transactions/create


Description: This service allows to create an interbank transaction

Example request:

curl -X POST '' \
  --header 'Authorization: <<access_token>>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
      "dest_account_owner_full_name": "Jovita Ducuara Prieto",
      "dest_account_owner_identification_type": "CC",
      "dest_account_owner_identification_number": "11111158",
      "dest_account_type": "saving_account",
      "dest_account_number": "68653284571",
      "amount": 5211470,
      "dest_bank": "bbva",
      "origin_account": "<origin-account-token>",
      "idempotency_token": "some-random-and-unique-token8765",
      "description": "Some descriptive text"

Example response:

  "dest_account_owner_full_name": "Jovita Ducuara Prieto",
  "dest_account_owner_identification_type": "CC",
  "dest_account_owner_identification_number": "11111158",
  "dest_account_type": "saving_account",
  "dest_account_number": "68653284571",
  "amount": 5211470,
  "status": "pending",
  "fee_amount": 0,
  "dest_bank": "bbva",
  "origin_account_number": "891000845",
  "origin_account_type": "electronic_deposit",
  "origin_account_owner_identification_number": "589632154",
  "idempotency_token": "some-random-and-unique-token8765",
  "result_message": null,
  "description": "Transaction description",
  "created_at": "2024-03-13T18:37:52.000000Z"

Request parameters

Field Description Type Required
dest_account_owner_full_name Full name of the destination account owner String yes
dest_account_owner_identification_type Identification type of the destination account owner. Accepted values: CC, CE, PA and NIT String yes
dest_account_owner_identification_number Identification number of the destination account owner String yes
dest_account_type Destination account type. Accepted values: saving_account, checking_account and electronic_deposit String yes
dest_account_number Destination account number String yes
amount Amount of the transaction String yes
dest_bank Slug of the destination bank. Must be present in the response of the Get available banks service String yes
idempotency_token A unique identifier for the transaction. Use this token to retry transactions safely String yes
description Any description for the transaction String no
origin_account Origin account token. This value should be sent if the origin account is an electronic deposit String no

Response parameters

Field Description Type Nullable
dest_account_owner_full_name Full name of the destination account owner String no
dest_account_owner_identification_type Identification type of the destination account owner String no
dest_account_owner_identification_number Identification number of the destination account owner String no
dest_account_type Destination account type String no
dest_account_number Destination account number String no
amount Amount of the transaction String no
status Status of the transaction. See Transaction statuses for details String no
fee_amount Fee for this transaction String no
dest_bank Slug of the destination bank String no
origin_account_number Number of the origin account String no
origin_account_type Type of the origin account saving_account, checking_account or electronic_deposit String no
origin_account_owner_identification_number Identification number of the origin account owner String no
idempotency_token The token received in idempotency_token field from the client. Use this token to retry transactions safely String no
result_message Detailed message related to the transaction result String yes
error_code Internal code to identify the error String yes
error_message Detailed message related to returned error code String yes
description Transaction description String yes
field Name of the field that presents errors in the give request body String yes

Transaction statuses

HTTP responses

Code Description
201 The transaction was created successfully and and will be processed soon
208 There is already a transaction with the same idempotency_token. It's data will be returned and no new transactions were created
401 Invalid authorization token provided
403 You do not have enough permissions to perform this action, please contact the support team
409 Transaction failed, it's safe to retry the transaction with a new idempotency_token
422 You did not provide valid data for this operation, please check response body for details
5XX Internal sever error, it's safe to retry the request using the same idempotency_token

Get transaction information

Endpoint: /transactions/idempotency_token

HTTP Method: GET

Description: This service allows to consult the information of a transaction given its idempotency token.

Example request:

curl -X GET '' \
  --header 'Authorization: <<access_token>>'

Example response:

  "dest_account_owner_full_name": "Jovita Ducuara Prieto",
  "dest_account_owner_identification_type": "CC",
  "dest_account_owner_identification_number": "11111158",
  "dest_account_type": "saving_account",
  "dest_account_number": "68653284571",
  "amount": 5211470,
  "status": "pending",
  "fee_amount": 0,
  "dest_bank": "bbva",
  "origin_account_number": "891000845",
  "origin_account_type": "electronic_deposit",
  "origin_account_owner_identification_number": "34568987",
  "idempotency_token": "some-random-and-unique-token8765",
  "result_message": null,
  "description": "transaction-description",
  "created_at": "2024-03-13T18:37:52.000000Z"

Request parameters

Field Description Type Required
idempotency_token The idempotency token used to create the transaction String yes

Response parameters

Field Description Type Nullable
dest_account_owner_full_name Full name of the destination account owner String no
dest_account_owner_identification_type Identification type of the destination account owner String no
dest_account_owner_identification_number Identification number of the destination account owner String no
dest_account_type Destination account type String no
dest_account_number Destination account number String no
amount Amount of the transaction String no
status Status of the transaction. See Transaction statuses for details String no
fee_amount Fee for this transaction String no
dest_bank Slug of the destination bank String no
origin_account_number Number of the origin account String no
origin_account_type Type of the origin account saving_account, checking_account or electronic_deposit String no
origin_account_owner_identification_number Identification number of the origin account owner String no
idempotency_token Unique token to identify the transaction String no
result_message Detailed message related to the transaction result String yes
error_code Internal code to identify the error String yes
error_message Detailed message related to returned error code String yes
description Transaction description String yes
field Name of the field that presents errors in the give request body String yes

Transaction statuses

HTTP responses

Code Description
200 The transaction information was queried successfully
401 Invalid authorization token provided
403 You do not have enough permissions to perform this action, please contact the support team
422 You did not provide valid data for this operation, please check response body for details
5XX Internal sever error, it's safe to retry the request using the same idempotency_token

Get transactions history

Endpoint: /transactions

HTTP Method: GET

Description: This service is intended to know your transactions history. For performance reasons, this endpoint only will return the last 20 transactions sorted by creation date.

Example request:

curl -X GET '' \
  --header 'Authorization: <<access_token>>'

Example response:

  "transactions": [
      "dest_account_owner_full_name": "Jovita Ducuara Prieto",
      "dest_account_owner_identification_type": "CC",
      "dest_account_owner_identification_number": "11111158",
      "dest_account_type": "saving_account",
      "dest_account_number": "68653284571",
      "amount": 5211470,
      "status": "pending",
      "fee_amount": 0,
      "dest_bank": "bbva",
      "origin_account_number": "891000845",
      "origin_account_type": "electronic_deposit",
      "origin_account_owner_identification_number": "32568987",
      "idempotency_token": "some-random-and-unique-token8765",
      "result_message": null,
      "description": "transaction-description",
      "created_at": "2024-03-13T18:37:52.000000Z"
      "dest_account_owner_full_name": "Jovita Ducuara Prieto",
      "dest_account_owner_identification_type": "CC",
      "dest_account_owner_identification_number": "11111158",
      "dest_account_type": "saving_account",
      "dest_account_number": "68653284571",
      "amount": 5211470,
      "status": "pending",
      "fee_amount": 0,
      "dest_bank": "bbva",
      "origin_account_number": "891000845",
      "origin_account_type": "electronic_deposit",
      "origin_account_owner_identification_number": "589546687",
      "idempotency_token": "another-random-and-unique-token8765",
      "result_message": null,
      "description": "another-transaction-description",
      "created_at": "2024-03-13T18:37:52.000000Z"

Request parameters

Field Description Type Required
origin_account_token Origin account token. This value should be sent only if the origin account is an electronic deposit String no
page Use this field to get older transactions Integer no

Response parameters

Field Description Type Nullable
transactions List of transactions List no
dest_account_owner_full_name Full name of the destination account owner String no
dest_account_owner_identification_type Identification type of the destination account owner String no
dest_account_owner_identification_number Identification number of the destination account owner String no
dest_account_type Destination account type String no
dest_account_number Destination account number String no
amount Amount of the transaction String no
status Status of the transaction String no
fee_amount Fee for this transaction String no
dest_bank Slug of the destination bank String no
origin_account_number Number of the origin account String no
origin_account_type Type of the origin account saving_account, checking_account or electronic_deposit String no
origin_account_owner_identification_number Identification number of the origin account owner String no
idempotency_token Unique token to identify the transaction String no
result_message Detailed message related to the transaction result String yes
error_code Internal code to identify the error String yes
error_message Detailed message related to returned error code String yes
description Transaction description String yes
field Name of the field that presents errors in the give request body String yes

HTTP responses

Code Description
200 The transactions history was queried successfully
401 Invalid authorization token provided
403 You do not have enough permissions to perform this action, please contact the support team
422 You did not provide valid data for this operation, please check response body for details
5XX Internal sever error, it's safe to retry the request


This service allows the client API to receive notifications via HTTP requests when a transaction status has changed.

This is an example of the request that we will send to the configured API client endpoint:

curl -X POST '' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
      "transaction_token": "some-random-and-unique-token8765"

How it works

When a transaction reaches a final status (approved or rejected) an HTTP POST request will be sent to a (previously configured) client endpoint. That request will have the following body:

Field Description Type
transaction_token idempotency_token given by the API client to create the transaction String

When a webhook notification is sent, the API client should use the received idempotency_token along with the Get transaction information endpoint to get the complete information related to the transaction.

Help for implementers of this API.

In this section we are going to expose information that will help you to implement this API. For example, if we want to simulate an approved or rejected transaction, we would only need to include a keyword in the description field. Remember that it will only work in the staging environment, not in production In case of sending a description that is not within the list below, the API will work normally as it would in production. That is, the transaction will be sent to the bank and you will receive the webhook notification when the bank finish the transaction processing.

description field Description HTTP response code
transaction-approved Generates a transaction with approved state and sends a notification via webhook. 201
transaction-rejected Generates a transaction with rejected state and sends a notification via webhook. 201

After receiving the webhook, you can check the status of the transaction on the endpoint Get transactions history